Gila Kites

Traditional kites (layang-layang) in Indonesia are works of art, created with intricate designs and unbelievable shapes and sizes. Kites have been flown in Indonesia for many years and gaining in popularity in many areas. 

Gila Kites is created in Java, Indonesia. Isanto Rajoko and Mas Agi have been creating traditional kites collectively for over 20 years. Participating in competitions since 1982 Gila Kites is now based in Jogjakarta.  They make a range of traditional, decorative and miniature kites to order. Custom made kites and lanterns can also be ordered. Gila Kites also presents workshops and programs for school aged children, university groups and charity events. 

Please check our 
'What's New' page for updated competitions, new kite designs and blog about our work in Java or contact us to arrange a workshop.
